LuxQuanta Supports Gender Equality in the Field of Quantum Technologies & Science

03 / 09 / 2023
"I see so many women out there, ridiculously highly qualified, still questioning whether they can do the job, whether they fit the role... If you believe you can do it, just fight for it!" states Vanesa DiazLuxQuanta's CEO.

Gender Equality must be at the foremost priority in all areas of our society, and in a traditionally male-dominated industry like telecommunications, it is not an exception. In this beautiful video provided by Quantum Flagship, our CEO, Vanesa Diaz, gives an inspirational speech about the opportunities, attitude, and possibilities for women in the industry, encouraging all young and older women to not let the environment define them and be confident about their path.

She emphasizes the importance of looking up to role models, referencing women in the positions they would like to be in and being inspired to achieve any goal they have in mind:

"We have heard this so many times, but it has never had as much meaning to me as it does now, because I'm leading a company. I am leading LuxQuanta. When you enter a field where the references you have are so different from yourself, the way you speak—'Is it good enough?'—or the way I approach people, the way I look, everything, you question if everything is suitable for the work you are meant to do. Seek role models and approach them to show that you can do this kind of job.

Our responsibility as role models, on the other side of the coin, is to be loyal to ourselves. When I entered this business, conscious that I am a different profile than you normally come across, I promised myself that I was going to stick to that way of being, that personality, because that is what diversity is about. I am not going to shut down my brain or the way I approach people just because it's different from the current status quo. You can provide the uniqueness that has so much value. Respect yourself and dance together, in this case, in the quantum realm."

From LuxQuanta, we defend Gender Equality and encourage all young and elder women to achieve their dreams and aspirations. The more talented women are in the field representing the colective, the more role models, inspiration and support women will find in any industry. 

Other testimonials gathered as well by Quantum Flasghip, includes Dr. Lydia Sanmartí-Vila, Knowledge Technology Transfer & Outreach Coordinator at ICFO:

"We are far from where it should be, but people are becoming more conscious about it and want to make it more inclusive to attract greater diversity. I entered the world of Quantum Technology and Science when I started working at ICFO almost 10 years ago. Quantum technologies, in general, have a very high percentage of male presence. So, achieving equality remains a significant challenge, especially as you look up to higher positions. 

However, I do believe that the quantum ecosystem is aware of this and is making efforts to become more inclusive and attract more talent. We need diversity, which can only benefit the Quantum and any other ecosystem, and the community itself is actively working to make it more inclusive."

Dr. Lucia Garbini, Marketing Manager at a Quantum startup, concluded: 

"Girls don't just want to become princesses; they dream of becoming astronauts and scientists! And it is actually possible. In the quantum field and all technology and science fields, it's crucial to promote gender equality and diversity because of the strength that comes from different minds working together. There are steps that can be taken, both by small startups and large companies, to achieve gender equality in the technology field. The quote I always keep in mind is 'Women for Women,' meaning that if we support each other and avoid seeing other women as threats, we will be stronger together. That's why mentoring programs dedicated to women in the technology field and creating role models within the industry are crucial and need to be addressed." 

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